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人教版新起点英语三年级上册Lesson 6教案

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人教版新起点英语三年级上册Lesson 6教案

Unit1 Myself


  课 题   Unit1 Myself Lesson 6   课 时   1课时
  教   学   内   容   Words: The new words in Unit 1.   Sentences: The new sentences in Unit 1.   教   学   目   标   1. Can pronounce the new words well and correctly and can use them freely.   2. Can make the sentences by using some words they know.   3. write an introduction correctly.
  教学重点   write an introduction.   板   书   设   计   Unit 1 Myself Lesson 6   name family name age country school class teacher phone number   favourite ( toy sport clothes colour number subject animal food fruit drink season weather …)
  教学难点   To write an introduction correctly.
  教学准备   pictures   word-cards   tape-recorder
  教学过程   二次备课
  I. Organization   1. T and students sing a song.   2. Free talk : What’s your name?My name is …/How old are you?I’m…years old.   II.Presentation   1. Review the words and make some sentences:   name What’s your name?   class I’m in Class ….   primary school I go to 108 Primary School.   phone number What’s your phone number?   2. Ask and answer in pairs:   S1: How old are you? S2: I’m … years old.   S3: What’s your favourite colour? S8: My favourite colour is ….   3. Introduce themselves and colour flags by themselves:   Ask Ss introduce themselves. Say one sentence, colour one flag.   4. Listen and number:   My name is Sam Green. I’m 9 years old. I’m in Class 2. I go to Guangming Primary School every day. My phone number is 1938261.   5. Introduce themselves:   My name is …. I’m … years old. I go to 108 Primary School. My phone number is …
  家   庭   作   业   1. Listen to the tape and read the text.   2. Write an introduction at lest six sentences.   课   后   回   顾

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