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七年级英语上册《Starter Unit 3 What color is it》基础知识练习题人教新目标版

《Starter Unit 3 What color is it》基础知识练习题




Look and copy. 观察并按笔画抄写下列字母。


Make conversations and talk about the colors of
your own things.编对话并谈论自己物品的颜色。


A spelling game 拼写游戏
b_ _ _ _ l _ _k _ h _ _e
_ e _ _ r _ w _ _u _ p _
_ r _ _n _ e _ _o_ _r_ _g_

1.small letter 小写字母 2.big letter 大写字母
3.color the things 为物品涂色

1. What color is it? 它是什么颜色?
What color is your pen? 你的钢笔是什么颜色?
2. It’s red / blue / black and white. 它是红色 / 蓝色 / 黑白色。

What color is it? 它是什么颜色的?
It’s black. 它是黑色的。

(1)What color is the flower ? It is yellow .
(2)What color are these boxes ? They are light blue .
(3)What color do you like ?你喜欢什么颜色?
I like red .我喜欢红色。
(4)Which color do you like best ?你 最喜欢哪种颜色?
I like white best .我最喜欢白色。
(5)Color it green ,please .请把它染成绿色。

1.Write English words according to Chinese.根据汉语写单词。
颜色__________ 红色(的)__________
黄色(的)__________ 绿色(的)__________
蓝色(的)__________ 黑色(的)__________
白色(的)__________ 紫色(的)__________
棕色(的)__________ 现在,目前________
理解;明白________ 能;会_______
说;讲________ 我的_______
2.Choices. 单项选择。
(1).This is _______ key.
A. an yellow B. yellow C. a yellow
(2). –What’s this? -______ is a white eraser.
A. This B. It C. It’s
(3). -What color is the quilt? -It’s ______.
A. a blue B. blue C. blue quilt
(4). Dale is tall (高). He needs (需要) a size(尺寸) ____shirt(衬衣).
 A. S B. M C. L
__1__ morning, __2__Jenny. This is a __3__. It’s a nice qu ilt. What __4__ is it?__5__ yellow and white. And ___6_this? It’s __7__. It’s __8__ jacket. That’s a ruler. __9__ is__10__.
( ) 1. A. Good B. What C. Hello
( ) 2. A. It’s B. I’m C. Hi
( ) 3. A. map B. pen C. quilt
( ) 4. A. color B. this C. quilt
( ) 5. A. Its B. It C. It’s
( ) 6. A. how is B. what is C. what
( ) 7. A. a jacket B. jacket C. an orange
( ) 8. A. orange B. a orange C. an orange
( ) 9. A. I B. You C. It
( ) 10. A. an blue B. blue C. a blue

1.Write the letters from S to Z carefully. 认真书写字母 S-Z.

2. Look and match . 句子配对。
( )1.What’s this in English? A.Good morning!
( )2.Good morning! B.It’s green.
( )3.What color is that orange? C.Fine,thank you.
( )4.How are you? D.It’s an orange.
( )5.Hello! Frank. E.Hello! Eric.
3 英汉短语互译
(1)一支红色的钢笔________________ (2)一把白色的直尺_____________
(3)一根黄色的香蕉(banana)_____________ (4)一条蓝色的被子_____________
(5) a black jacket _______________ (6) a green bag_____________ _
(7)一件紫色的连衣裙(dress) _____________(8)棕色的鞋(shoes)________ __
(9)我的杯子_______________ (10)我的橘子____________

3.Recite wo rds and conversations in this unit. 背诵本单元的单词与对话。


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