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八年级英语上册 Unit2《 What’s the matter》(第2课时)教案 人教新目标版

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八年级英语上册 Unit2《 What’s the matter》(第2课时)教案 人教新目标版

课题:八年级上 Unit 2
第 2 课时
上 课 日 期:________
学习目标:1. Learn Section A, P 9---10.
2 words and expressions: Here are the results of the student activity survey.
have a cold, f eel better, have a sore throat, have a headache, lie down.
3 3a in SectionA.2a and 2b in Section B
4 教学过程
一、 出示学习目标:
二、 Learn Section A,3a(10分钟)
1 Fill in the blanks in the conversation. .
2 Recite 3a.
3 Pairwork 3b.Use their own words to make new conversations.
4 Section B 1a 1b. Match the words a nd advice.
5 Listen to 2a.Write the problems in the chart.
What’s the matter?
I hope you feel better soon.
You should lie down and rest.
She should go to bed early.
have a headache, have a sore throat, lie down
I’m not feeling well.
三、教师抽查,同学互查, 对背诵中出现的问题加以讲解。
1翻译:1 怎么了?
2. 我觉得不舒服。
3 希望你很快好起来。
4 你应该躺下休息。
6你怎么了 ?我嗓子痛。
(一) 翻译下列短语翻译并熟记
1 你怎么了?喉咙疼吗?
1 She hopes ______ home and have a good rest.
A goes B going C to go D to go to
2 My mother doesn’t feel ______ today. She needs to see a doctor.
A good B nice C b ad D well
3 ---How is your brother ? ---___ _____.
A He’s twelve . B He’s much better.
C He’s a doctor. D He’s v ery funny.
4 She is very _____ after a long walk.
A angry B sorry C tired D happy
5 Bob _________ carefully but _________ nothing.
A listen ed, heard B listened, listened
C heard ,heard D heard ,listened
6 It’s a serious _________.We must try to ____ ___ it.
A question B exercise C lifestyle D problem
7 You look tired. You’d better _______.
A have a rest B see a doctor
C see a dentist D eat something
What’s the ma tter?
I hope you feel better soon.
You should lie down and rest.
She should go to bed early.
have a headache, have a sore throat, lie down

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