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人教版新起点英语三年级上册Lesson 7-9教案

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人教版新起点英语三年级上册Lesson 7-9教案

Unit 2 My Body

  Lesson 7

  Teaching contents:




  4.学习字母y, q, w, r的音形义。

  Teaching difficulties:



  Teaching focus:




  Teaching props:

  1.pictures of part A

  2.pictures and word cards and the 4 letters’cards.

  Teaching procedure:

  一、Part A

  review one or two songs about the body and the adj. words

  2.teacher puts the pieces of the picture of the monster on the board

  3.listen to the tape of part A (two times)

  4.talk about our bodies.

  5.listen again and invite pupils to pick up the right pictures of the part of body.

  6.listen and read after it according to the pictures on the board.

  7.open the books and do the exercise—match.

  8.learn the chant together.

  9.learn the chant in groups.

  二、Part B

  1.teacher and her students count their every part of their bodies together.

  2.teacher gives an example. I have….

  Let students make sentences themselves.

  They can work in pairs.

  3.open their books and complete the exercise of part B.and check in pairs.
三、Part C

  1.show them the picture of yellow. And then show them the word: yellow.

  Let them read out every letters in this word.

  Teacher tells them the pronounce of the fist letter-y/j/

  Y/j/yellow. Q/kw/queen; W/w/water, R/r/rabbit

  read the 4 letters according to the cards and to know the capital letter, little letter, handwriting letter, and typewiting.

  Lesson 8

  Teaching contents:


  2.学习字母l, m , n, f, x, z, s的音形义

  Teaching focus:


  Teaching difficulties:

  hurt 的发音

  Teaching props:

  the picture of doctor

  the picture, the word card and the letter card of part C

  Teaching procedure:

  reiew the chant of lesson?

  describe about the body

  listen and show the pictures of the parts of body

  一、part A

  teacher breaks her arm by the desk and say: “Oh! My arm hurts.”

  and breads the foot carelessly and say: “Oh1 My foot hurts.”

  listen to the recorder and know the chant.

  listen again and teacher shows them the parts and acts

  read after the tape.

  open their books and number the pictures.

  learn the chant together.

  review the chant in groups
二、Part B

  1.role play

  teacher and a student give an example:

  ■What’s the mater? –My finger hurts.

  ■Let’s go to the doctor.

  ●(teacher puts the picture of doctor on the board)

  2.A to B. B to C. C to D…

  3.ask and answer freely.

  三、Part C

  1.the way to learn is same to last lesson.

  Lesson 9

  Teaching aims:





  Teaching focus:

  1.the pictures of the parts of the body

  2.tape and recorder

  Teaching procedure:

  一、Part A

  1.Listen to the song and put the correct picture on their desks.

  2.Listen to the song and point to the correct parts.

  3.Listen an sing with the tape.

  4.Change the words and make another song by themselves

  二、Part B

  1.think about and describe about the parts of the body of selt.

  2.talk about in pairs.

  3.draw themselves on their text books. And then tell others.

  三、Part C

  1.open their books and find the different.

  2.listen to the tape and learn how to express.

  3.read the sentences.

  4.talk and find the different between themselves together.

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