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人教版新起点英语三年级上册Lesson 22教案

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人教版新起点英语三年级上册Lesson 22教案

Unit4 Revision


  课 题   Unit4 Revision Lesson 22   课 时   2课时
  教   学   内   容   Words: flour wheat. Come out rest grow cut   Sentences: It comes out in fall.It rests in winter.It grows in spring.It is cut in summer.It becomes bread.   教   学   目   标   1. Can pronounce the new words well and correctly and can use them freely.   2. Can make the sentences by using some words they know.   3. Show the dialogue correctly and freely.
  教学重点   To grasp the new words, make some sentences and dialogues.   板   书   设   计   Unit 4 Lesson 22   It comes out in fall.It rests in winter.   It grows in spring.It is cut in summer.   It becomes bread.
  教学难点   How does the wheat grow.
  教学准备   pictures word-cards tape-recorder
  教学过程   二次备课
  I. Organization   1. T and students sing a song.   2. Free talk : What do you eat? Do you eat…?   II.Presentation   1.T shoe the picture of four seasons,Ss say the differences of the four seasons.   T say the season of each picture .Let them know that the wheat is saw in fall.   T show the record and do the action:sow seeds/sleep/grow/cut,Ss learn.   T show the wheat and flour,Ss tell what else can the flour make.   Eg:It becomes bread.It becomes jiaozi.It becomes noodles.It becomes hotdogs.It becomes hamburgers.It becomes pancakes.It becomes pies.It becomes cakes.Ss draw the foods.   2.Ss look at the picture and say hat they’ve seen   Eg:On my farm, there are some tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, apples, and pears.   On my farm, there are some eggs, fish, and milk.   Ss stick the pictures on the farm and show their pictures ,tell what are on their farms.   3.T show the record and Ss follow the tape with part C.   4.Ss copy the letters.
  家   庭   作   业   1. Listen to the tape and read the text.   2. Write the letters in Part D.   课   后   回   顾

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