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人教版新起点英语二年级上册lesson42 教案

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人教版新起点英语二年级上册lesson42 教案


  1. 情感目标:(1)用所学语言知识,结合本课话题与自身实际爱好进行表达和交流。   (2) 通过本单元的学习初步尝试制作电视节目表和电视节目海报。   知识目标:(1)能够听说读写与电视节目有关的词汇和句型,并正确书写句子,标点和格式。   (2)能够掌握介词和动词搭配后的意义和用法   3. 能力目标:(1)能够正确使用本单元所学句型,写出自己最喜欢的电视节目.   (2) 能够用英语询问并回答有关具体电视节目播出时间和播出频道的问题。   教学重点:对本单元所学的基本词汇和交际用语进行全面的复习和检测。   教学难点:如何高效地开展B项活动。   教具准备:录音机 磁带   教学过程:

  教学步骤   教师活动   学生活动   反思
  1.   2.   3.   4.   5.   6.   Take out some word cards to review the words in Unit7.   Listen to the tape and do the exercise.   Do a guessing game.   Ask what time is Funny Time on?   What channel is it on?   Role play   Make up a dialogue according to the pictures above.   Read and circle T for true or F for false.   Do the exercise.   Let’s write.   Look at the cards and read , spell the words.   Look at the pictures and read the words. Then listen to the tape and fill in the chart.   Give them some minutes to remember and then answer the questions.   Make a dialogue by them partners .   Read the two letters.   Do the exercise by themselves.   Let’s write.

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