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图形图像编程精粹(Graphic Gems Series)[PDF]

  • 名称: 图形图像编程精粹(Graphic Gems Series)[PDF]
  • 类型: 教程考试资料 - 计算机教程
  • 大小: 20.0 MB
  • 语言: 简体中文
  • 推荐星级:
  • 更新时间: 03-26
  • 下载次数: 52
  • Tag:计算机教程,计算机基础教程,计算机基础知识,电脑入门   
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图形图像编程精粹(Graphic Gems Series)[PDF]简介:
图形图像编程精粹(Graphic Gems Series)[PDF],类型为计算机教程。由[飞速资源网|http://www.ff70.com ]提供下载交流学习,版权归原作者所有,

英文名称:Graphic Gems Series
Welcome to Graphics Gems: a collection of algorithms, programs, and mathematical techniques for the computer graphics programmer. I have wanted a book like this for a long time. I have written tens of thousands of lines of computer graphics code in the last few years, and I know that much of it could have been better. I even knew that when I wrote it. But often I didn’t have the time to find the best data structure or design the most elegant or robust algorithm. Sometimes I only realized how to do something well after doing it the wrong way first.

As time went on I found myself sharing my experiences and tricks with friends and colleagues, who offered their insights in return. Though we were trading our hard-earned lessons with each other, there was no more general or public forum where we could document.these ideas permanently. And I sometimes wondered what insights I was missing simply because I couldn’t talk with everyone in the field. Thus Graphics Gems was born. This book was created for the working graphics programmer. Its production concludes one turn of a cycle of discovery, document.tion, editing, publishing, and reading, which will lead to new discoveries. The articles in this book are not research papers.

The formal publication process in journals and conferences works well for disseminating the architecture of large, new ideas. Rather, this book focuses on the nuts-and-bolts of programming and implementation, supplying the details often left out of technical papers

user posted image


Continuing in the spirit of the inaugural Graphics Gems volume, Graphics Gems II represents the collective expertise of a large and diverse group of people. The common thread shared by all the contributors is that each has devised or refined useful ideas which can benefit other computer graphics practitioners, and they have graciously agreed to disseminate them. The resulting amalgam has a character quite distinct from any text book on the subject, as it reflects ideas and approaches every bit as diverse and unique as the people behind them.

In the field of computer graphics, as with almost any endeavor, there is rarely a best way to do anything. Therefore, this volume shares a recurring theme with the original volume by presenting techniques for doing well-known operations faster or easier. Some present a new way of looking at an old problem while others provide useful mathematical machinery with broad application.


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本页提供图形图像编程精粹(Graphic Gems Series)[PDF],计算机教程,计算机基础教程,计算机基础知识,电脑入门参考。
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