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  • 名称: 六层框架结构移动综合楼设计(PKPM)☆
  • 类型: 毕业设计论文 - 土木毕业设计 - 建筑结构
  • 大小: 0 Bytes
  • 语言: 简体中文
  • 推荐星级:
  • 更新时间: 06-10
  • 下载次数: 973
  • Tag:建筑结构,建筑结构毕业设计,毕业论文,毕业设计下载   
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六层框架结构移动综合楼设计(PKPM)☆,类型为建筑结构。由[飞速资源网|http://www.ff70.com ]提供下载交流学习,版权归原作者所有,

摘  要

This design is titled "Design of Office Building for Chinamobile in Dalian”. The design consists six floors. The first floor is mainly the business hall, 650 square meters. While, the second to the fifth floor are the work places of the company, with 3 meeting rooms and several offices, and each floor is 600 square meters. Furthermore, the sixth floor is 300 square meters, with a multi-purpose hall for entertainment. The total construction area is about 3350 square meters. The  first floor is 4.8m high, and the other each storey is 3.6m high. And the whole building height is 22.8m. The structure form is totally irrigating reinforce concrete skeleton framing, which is benefit to the anti- earthquake. The seismic fortification intensity is 7 degree, the soil belongs to the Ⅱ kind , and the fire-resistant grade is second grade.
The design content includes four main parts: construction design, structure design, shop drawing and foreign article translation. The part of structure calculation involved load , internal force and reinforcing steel bar calculation, which was completed by choosing one single frame .The total structure was calculated with the use of PKPM. The whole design is based on national standard and embodies the principle of economy, practical, beautiful and safe.
With the guide of my teacher Che Yi, I have finished the design successfully. The whole process of this design from date preparation till account, I read many reference books and construction criterion and also study, discuss and solve many problems with my classmates during the design. Thanks to this design, I acquaint deeper with the internal relations knowledge of my specialty, increase my ability of self-study, and establish a good basement for my future study and work. It’s a scarce learning opportunity.
Key word: construction;skeleton framing;brief instruction of design

(6)市基本风压0.65kN/m2(标准值),基本雪压0.4 kN/m2 。



目    录  17000字
摘  要    1
Abstract    3
1  建筑设计说明书    4
1.1 设计依据    4
1.2 设计思路    4
1.3 平立面布置    4
1.4 楼梯间设计    6
1.5 地面、屋面、顶棚及墙面做法    7
1.6 总平面布局    8
2  结构设计说明书    9
2.1 结构类型及布置    9
2.2 材料     9
2.3 框架设计    9
2.4荷载计算    11
2.5 内力计算及内力组合    21
2.6 构件设计    51
2.7 楼板配筋计算    66
2.8 楼梯配筋计算    68
2.9 基础设计    73
参考文献    77
致    谢    78


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