To Write A Business Plan简介:
To Write A Business Plan,类型为创业计划书。由[飞速资源网| ]提供下载交流学习,版权归原作者所有,
This Guide to writing a business plan is designed to help you in developing your
business idea, "from concept to company". It details the contents, scope, and
structure of a business plan and the expectations venture capitalists have when
reading one, and provides valuable pointers on starting up a company.
The Guide is not intended as a business studies resource nor is it a theoretical
treatise on the nature of business plans per se. Rather, it offers practical tips to help
you get started setting up your company. Naturally, there is no guarantee that all
aspects of this Guide will be relevant to your particular company or that all topics
relevant to your company will be covered. The "Key questions" about the main
elements of a business plan make no claim to completeness; those questions not
relevant to your specific business plan need not be answered.
If you are reading this Guide because you have a business idea you want to
transform into a successful company, we offer you a word of encouragement: Make
the most of this opportunity!
McKinsey & Company, Inc.
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